Invite local, state an national legislators to your classroom to see language learning in action. Illinois Representative to US Congress Bill Foster (11th District) visits AP Spanish classes at Lincoln-Way West High School (New Lenox) to hear student presentations about languages and career. (above) Downstate, ICTFL President Carrie Toth posted photos when her US Representative John Shimkus visit her classroom and signed Commendation toward Biliteracy certificates for deserving seniors.
Bring the State Seal of Biliteracy to your district. It gives students a great reason to not only stay in language courses, building upper level retention, but it is an incentive to grow their proficiency - with special diploma recognition and accompanying college credit. Additionally, Seal of Biliteracy recognition celebrations are an opportunity to promote awareness of the benefits to language study and programs. Invite administrators, parents, local politicians and the media. Programs featured below include (L-R) Lincoln-Way West HS, Willowbrook HS and York HS.