Are you a Novice Teacher?
Are you a novice teacher? Interested in connecting with others around the state? Want some support? Let ICTFL help you by joining ICTFL Novice Teacher Support Group. This group meets once a month to discuss a variety of topics of interest to novice teachers.
Under the Illinois School Code, Senate Bill 7, “Performance Evaluation Reform Act” (PERA), Illinois School Districts must adopt guidelines to measure and document student growth as part of each teacher’s evaluation process. To support Illinois foreign language teachers and programs, ICTFL and ACTFL are collaborating through a performance-based assessment model so teachers will know how to demonstrate student growth and document language proficiency.
The Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL), in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), has created an exciting statewide world language initiative. in 2013 ICTFL began training Teacher Leaders interested in becoming regional leaders in standards-based instruction and assessment in world languages. These leaders are now available to provide workshop and institute trainings on a variety of World Language topics, including the newly adopted State Standards in Illinois school districts. For more information, email Todd Bowen: [email protected]
The Illinois Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ICTFL), in collaboration with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), has created an exciting statewide world language initiative. in 2013 ICTFL began training Teacher Leaders interested in becoming regional leaders in standards-based instruction and assessment in world languages. These leaders are now available to provide workshop and institute trainings on a variety of World Language topics, including the newly adopted State Standards in Illinois school districts. For more information, email Todd Bowen: [email protected]
Oral Proficiency Interview Workshops
Developing language proficiency should be the goal for every language classroom. The new Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy requires that students must pass a performance test at the Intermediate High level of language use to receive this special recognition on their high school diplomas and transcripts. For those districts wishing to adopt the optional program, it’s important that their teachers receive support to understand each level of proficiency and gain strategies on how to move students to greater levels of language performance.
The Full OPI Workshop is an intensive four-day introduction to the techniques of administering and rating the Oral Proficiency Interview. The rating scale and techniques for eliciting a ratable sample are highlighted in daily plenary sessions and then reinforced in language-specific break-out sessions. Participants have the opportunity to observe live demonstration interviews conducted by their trainer. Under the trainer’s supervision, they then conduct their own practice interviews with volunteer candidates. The group critiques and discusses both these practice interviews and their ratings. Following the workshop, participants may apply to become ACTFL OPI Raters and Testers. The Modified OPI Workshop or MOPI is a two-day workshop introducing the oral proficiency levels of Novice and Intermediate. You will learn about the characteristics of Novice and Intermediate speakers and learn techniques to conduct interviews and determine levels. Each participate will have the opportunity to practice an interview. |